Hardiman's History of Galway

Chapter 6: From 1660 to the surrender of Galway to King William's forces, 1691

New rules established, 1672

Chapter 6

From 1660 to the surrender of Galway to King William's forces, 1691

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Old map of Galway

The town continued to be governed under its former charters until the year 1672, when the "new" rules, orders and directions were made and established by the lord lieutenant and council, pursuant to the act of explanation "for the better regulating of the corporation and town of Galway, and the electing of magistrates and officers there." By these rules, which have the force and effect of an act of parliament,

  1. The names of the mayor, sheriffs, recorder, or town-clerk, to be annually elected for ever thereafter, are to be forthwith, presented for approbation to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors, and the privy council; and if they or any of them be not approved of within ten days, a new election shall take place, except in cases of such as die in their year of office.
  2. The warden to be nominated by the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors of the kingdom, for the time being.
  3. All officers of the corporation to take the oaths of supremacy and allegience, and also that against taking arms against the king. [c]
  4. All officers to be elected by the mayor, sheriffs and common council: all matters in debate first to pass the common council before being propounded in tholsel, and offenders disfranchised.
  5. All foreigners, strangers and aliens, as well others as Protestants, being merchants, traders, artisans, artificers, seamen or otherwise, then residing or to come to reside in the town, to be admitted freemen during residence and habitation, and to be deemed denizens of the kingdom, on payment of a fine of twenty shillings, first taking the oaths and paying charges: any person, magistrate, or otherwise, refusing to admit such, or interrupting them when admitted, to be disfranchised.

These rules, which were in effect the same that regulated the other cities, walled-towns and corporations of the kingdom at the time, although introduced into the succeeding charter, continue in force to the present day. [d]

Next: The corporation land, with the charter and market duties, granted to Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton

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