Hardiman's History of Galway

Chapter 6: From 1660 to the surrender of Galway to King William's forces, 1691

Fortifications built, to secure the conquest of the town and Islands

Chapter 6

From 1660 to the surrender of Galway to King William's forces, 1691

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Old map of Galway

To secure the conquest of Galway after the departure of the army for Limerick, all the batteries and other works about the town raised both by the English and Irish forces, were levelled; but the fort formerly commenced on the hill beyond the south-east corner of the wall was repaired, and some fortified works were thrown up at the east gate, (thenceforth, in honour of his majesty, called William's gate, and at the west end of the bridge. The governor also recommended that a fort should be built, and the castle repaired on Mutton-island, without which, he stated, that the shipping could not be secure in the bay. This was accordingly ordered, and one thousand pounds were granted for the purpose. The castle was fortified, and the fort provided with ten pieces of cannon: a company of soldiers was then stationed on the island, another was sent to Arran, and the fort there was likewise repaired. The island and castle of Bophin (the latter built by Oliver Cromwell, and then commanded by colonel Timothy O'Riordan,) having surrendered by capitulation, were also preserved in a state of defence, this island being considered a place of great importance, and particularly so during a war with France, whose privateers could easily shelter in the harbour had the fort been demolished.-Thus, in the district of Galway, as in all other parts in the kingdom, every necessary precaution was taken to secure the fruits of the sanguinary and disastrous war which had just terminated, and which established a free constitution and a system of laws calculated to secure the peace and advance the prosperity of the country, if their beneficial effects had not been destroyed by the bigoted persecutions which soon afterwards took place, and which will for ever remain an indelible disgrace to the times immediately succeeding this period.

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